Sever The Sister City Relationship with China


Read our global-joint statement:

 “Sever the sister city relationship with China” – Global Joint Campaign

The establishment of the “sister city” agreement was supposed to be a diplomatic strategy to foster economic engagement and cultural exchange between two nations. However, this diplomatic strategy is becoming a manipulative tool for the Chinese Communist Party regime to expand the influence of its dictatorship around the world. The legitimacy of "sister city" has long been questioned. 

The Chinese government's erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy, violent trampling of press freedom, and repression of democratic voices unveil its breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, causing thousands of Hongkongers to become political prisoners. China has been committing genocide in Xinjiang province by sending Uyghurs to mass arbitrary detention camps since 2014. Recently, leaked files exposed the inhumane situation in those camps like the ‘shoot to kill’ policy, torturing, sexual abuse, and more.

With China’s infamous records of human rights abuses and practices of not abiding with international treaties – displaying traits of totalitarianism, many still choose to turn a blind eye due to economic benefits from China. 

Following the de-twinning of Swedish cities from China in 2020, Hong Kong activist groups around the globe hereby make a joint statement, prompting the local authorities to cut ties with this totalitarian regime that neglects the value of human rights, freedom and democracy by terminating the twin city relationship with China.

全球聯合抗爭行動 ——「斷絕中共姊妹城市關係」





因應2020 年多個瑞典城市與中國脫離「姊妹城市」關係,全球多個抗爭組織現聯合發表聲明促請各地市政府重新審視他們與獨裁政權的密切關係,以正視聽,反對與漠視人權、自由和民主的的中共建交,並透過終止與中國的「姊妹城市」關係來捍衛人權和遏止其滲透。


Important update(17/11/2022): Bath & Somerset(UK) has detwined with JiangXi(China), please visit "News & update" for more detail.

Important update(17/11/2022): Bath & Somerset(UK) has detwined with JiangXi(China), please visit "News & update" for more detail.