Kiel, Germany

Northern German port city Kiel has a significant maritime sector and military presence. The Chinese city of Qingdao sought to elevate its existing friendship with Kiel to a formal twinning arrangement in 2023, which initially garnered support from the city council. However, this decision was later reversed due to growing apprehensions about the Chinese government's actions abroad and potential military implications.

Hans-Werner Tovar, the former mayor of Kiel and a strong advocate for the partnership, dismissed fears of espionage and believed that the partnership aimed to formalize the longstanding friendship between the cities. However, these reassurances were met with skepticism, particularly from German federal politicians and security experts. Concerns arose due to Qingdao’s status as a significant naval base and military research center for China.

The Chinese city is a hub for submarine development and other military technologies. Security experts argued that China’s interest in the partnership could be motivated by the plans to gain access to sensitive information and technology for its maritime and military capabilities. Given that Kiel’s concentration of shipyards, naval services, and scientific institutions, a twinning with Qingdao could have strategic implications.

The sister city agreement with Qingdao is now halted by the new government in Kiel.

Further reading in Chinese:

RFA: 青島欲與德國軍港締結「姊妹城市」 德專家憂中國另有所圖

RFA: 憂中國軍事間諜活動 德國軍港城市基爾拒與青島締結「姊妹城市」