Public-signed petition template:

If there isn’t a published petition in your area, you may kick start one yourself! This can be simply done by raising a public-signed petition through the official authority websites or public websites (e.g. as supporting evidence. Please feel free to use the following template as a start.

如你所屬地區還沒有提倡收集公眾簽名,你絕對能夠自己發起一個!提倡收集公眾簽名是其中一個有效的請願方式,可經政府官方網頁或公眾網頁(如 收集作為理據。歡迎使用以下範本再作適當更改。 

Call on [              ] City Council to sever the sister city relationship with [              ]  

As Hongkongers living in [______], we want to express our grave concern over [______] City Council’s sister city relationship with [_____] and call on the Council to sever its sister city agreement with China. This global joint campaign is co-launched by 163 cities across 7 countries in Asia, America, Europe and Oceania.  In 2019, the world witnessed the erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy by the Chinese government from human rights abuses, violent trampling of Hong Kong’s press freedom and repression of democratic voices. The democracy, freedom of expression, and rule of law as promised under the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ framework within the Sino-British Joint Declaration were stripped away as the Chinese government implemented the National Security Law in 2020, bypassing Hong Kong's own legislative system.  The breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a legal-binding international treaty, is not China’s first time ratifying an international agreement. China’s pro-Russia stance on the Russo-Ukrainian War also shows its inconsistency with legally binding agreements, in which China made a deal with Ukraine back in 2013 promising to protect Ukraine from the threat of nuclear attack. These cases are indeed reflecting how the Chinese government never keeps its promise.  Apart from China’s untrustworthiness, its notorious human rights abuse records also reveal the totalitarian nature of this regime. China has been committing genocide in Xinjiang (East Turkestan) province by sending Uyghurs and Muslims to mass arbitrary detention camps since 2014. Recently, leaked files exposed the inhumane situation in those camps like the ‘shoot to kill’ policy, torturing, sexual abuse and more. [……Feel free to add your own city-related argument……]  The world should not turn a blind eye and kowtow to China’s totalitarianism when there is countless evidence exposing the crimes the Chinese Communist Party has committed since its reign. The council must align with [_______] 's values and stand in solidarity with those oppressed. Hence, we call on everyone who stands up for human rights to sign this petition and urge the [_______] City Council to decouple with the Chinese city [_______].

 促請[            ]市議會終止與[              ]之姊妹城市關係 

作為居住在 (______) 的香港人,我們十分關注市議會與中國 (______) 市的關係,並促請與其終止姊妹城市締約。這次抗爭行動由7個國家共163個城市聯合發起,横跨亞洲、美洲、歐洲及大洋洲。
由2019年起,全球見證香港的自治權被中國逐漸侵蝕:政權肆意侵犯人權、踐踏新聞自由、打壓言論自由。中英聯合聲明中承諾的「一國兩制」框架,民主、法治、以至港人表達意見的自由,均被中共政權以繞過香港司法制度設立的國安法剝奪。 放眼國際,違反中英聯合聲明並非中國偶然破壞國際協定。在2022年烏克蘭戰爭中,中國親俄的立場明顯違反與烏克蘭於2013年簽訂之聲明,承諾保護烏克蘭免於核威脅。 另外,中共政權各種侵犯人權的行為亦反映其極權本質。自2014年起,中共一直以「再教育」為由,在新疆大規模關押維吾爾族人及穆斯林。最近,外洩檔案更公開集中營的不人道行為,例如虐待、擊斃逃跑者等政策。(..........可加入與你所屬城市有關的理據……..)

面對無數中共政權侵害人權的例子,國際社會不應忽視其極權統治。我們呼籲擁有共同價值觀、願意捍衛人權的同路人能夠簽署此請願書,促請 (______) 市議會終止與中國 (_____) 市的姊妹城市締約。